Badan Diklat Kepelautan Benoa Maritime Indonesia merupakan salah satu badan diklat kepelautan di Bali yang diakui dan terdaftar di Departemen Perhubungan Laut  - Indonesia yang ditunjuk sebagai pusat pelatihan ketrampilan pelaut dasar khususnya untuk para pelaut yang akan bekerja di kapal-kapal , baik kapal komersil, penumpang, Ro-ro maupun kapal ikan. Pelaksanaan pelatihan di BMI  mengikuti ketententuan-ketentuan pelatihan model course yang diwajibkan  sesuai dengan  aturan badan kelautan internasional yaitu International Maritime Organization (IMO) melalui Departemen Perhubungan Laut -Indonesia. -Adapun pelatihan yang telah bersertifikasi yang kami laksanakan berupa :

  1. Basic Safety Training ( BST) - IMO Model Course 1.19, 1.20,1.21, 1.22
  2. Passenger ship Crowd Management Training (PSCMT)- IMO Model Course 1.41
  3. Passenger ship Crisis Management Training (PSCMHBT) – IMO Model Course 1.42
  4. Profiency Survival Craft and Rescue boat other than Fast rescue boat -PSCRB – IMO Model Course 1.23

Dalam menunjang kegiatan pelatihan ini, badan pendidikan dan latihan BMI memfasilitasi para siswa dengan sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkan. Badan Diklat BMI juga diisi tenaga pengajar/instruktur profesional di bidangnya dan telah memiliki pengalaman mengajar dan juga sebagai perwira maupun nakhoda sebelumnya dikapal-kapal komersial , baik kapal barang maupun kapal pesiar.

Persyaratan Diklat Ketrampilan Basic Safety Training (BST) :                

  1. Mengisi biodata diri
  2. Scan / foto copy KTP
  3. Scan / foto copy Ijasah umum terakhir min. smp / sederajat
  4. Scan / foto copy kartu keluarga
  5. Scan / foto copy akte kelahiran
  6. Pas photo hitam putih 3 x 4, kemeja putih, dasi hitam polos (pas photo dibuat BMI)
  7. Bukti pembayaran
  8. Surat keterangan sehat dari rumah sakit atau lembaga kesehatan lainnya yang mendapat pengakuan / penetapan / penunjukan dari Dokter yang telah ditunjuk oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut 


Persyaratan diklat PSCMT & PSCMHBT

  1. Mengisi biodata diri
  2. Scan sertifikat Basic Safety Training (BST)
  3. Scan Ijazah umum terakhir/ profesi ANT / ATT D s/d ANT I / ATT I
  4. Scan KTP
  5. Print Out Internet
  6. Pas photo hitam putih 3 x 4, kemeja putih, dasi hitam polos (pas photo dibuat di BMI)
  7. Bukti pembayaran
  8. Surat keterangan sehat dari rumah sakit atau lembaga kesehatan lainnya yang mendapat pengakuan / penetapan / penunjukan dari Dokter yang telah ditunjuk oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut


Persyaratan diklat PSCRB

  1. Mengisi biodata diri
  2. Scan sertifikat Basic Safety Training (BST)
  3. Scan Ijazah profesi ANT D / ATT D s/d ANT I / ATT I atau Ijasah umum terakhir min. smp / sederajat
  4. Foto Copy / scan buku pelaut masa layar min 6 bulan
  5. Scan KTP
  6. Print out Internet
  7. Pas photo hitam putih 3 x 4, kemeja putih, dasi hitam polos (pas photo dibuat di BMI)
  8. Bukti pembayaran
  9. Surat keterangan sehat dari rumah sakit atau lembaga kesehatan lainnya yang mendapat pengakuan / penetapan / penunjukan dari Dokter yang telah ditunjuk oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut


Persyaratan Revalidasi BST

  1. Mengisi biodata diri
  2. Sertifikat Asli BST
  3. Scan / foto copy KTP
  4. Scan / foto copy Ijasah umum terakhir min. smp / sederajat
  5. Scan / foto copy kartu keluarga
  6. Scan / foto copy akte kelahiran
  7. Pas photo hitam putih 3 x 4, kemeja putih, dasi hitam polos (pas photo dibuat BMI)
  8. Bukti pembayaran
  9. Surat keterangan sehat dari rumah sakit atau lembaga kesehatan lainnya yang mendapat pengakuan / penetapan / penunjukan dari Dokter yang telah ditunjuk oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut 










Senin s.d Rabu

9 Hari




Rabu s.d Jumat

4 Hari




Rabu s.d Sabtu

4 Hari




Untuk info lebih lanjut hubungi line kami di :
Jl. Waribang No 21A, Kesiman Petilan, Kec Denpasar Timur - Bali
Tlp. 0361 - 8486273 / WA. 087861867373






The Maritime Education and Training Institution of Benoa Maritime Indonesia is one of the maritime  education and training institution in Bali that is recognized and registered with the Ministry of Sea Transportation - Indonesia which is designated as a center for basic seafaring skills training, especially for seafarers who will work on ships, both commercial ships, passengers, Ro-Ro and fishing boats. The implementation of training at BMI follows the provisions of the model course training that is required in accordance with the rules of the international , namely the International Maritime Organization (IMO) through the Ministry of Sea Transportation -Indonesia. As for the certified training that we carry out in the form of:


  1. Basic Safety Training (BST) - IMO Model Course 1.19, 1.20,1.21, 1.22
  2. Passenger ship Crowd Management Training (PSCMT)- IMO Model Course 1.41
  3. Passenger ship Crisis Management Training (PSCMHBT) – IMO Model Course 1.42
  4. Profiency Survival Craft and Rescue boat other than Fast rescue boat -PSCRB – IMO Model Course 1.23


In supporting this training activity, the BMI education and training institution facilitates students with the necessary facilities and infrastructure. The BMI Education and Training Institution is also filled with professional teachers/instructors in their fields and has teaching experience as well as previous officers and captains on commercial ships, both cargo ships and cruise ships.


Basic Safety Training (BST) Skills Training Requirements:

  1. Fill in your personal data
  2. Scan / photocopy of ID card
  3. Scan / photocopy of the latest general certificate min. junior high school / equivalent
  4. Scan / photocopy of family card
  5. Scan / photocopy of birth certificate
  6. 3 x 4 black and white photo, white shirt, plain black tie (photo made by BMI)
  7. Proof of payment
  8. Health certificate from a hospital or other health institution that has received recognition/stipulation/appointment from a doctor who has been appointed by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation


PSCMT & PSCMHBT training requirements

  1. Fill in your personal data
  2. Scan the Basic Safety Training (BST) certificate
  3. Scan of the last general diploma / profession ANT / ATT D to ANT I / ATT I
  4. Scan ID card
  5. Print Out Internet
  6. 3 x 4 black and white photo, white shirt, plain black tie (photo taken at BMI)
  7. Proof of payment
  8. Health certificate from a hospital or other health institution that has received recognition/stipulation/appointment from a doctor who has been appointed by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation


PSCRB training requirements

  1. Fill in your personal data
  2. Scan the Basic Safety Training (BST) certificate
  3. Scan of professional diploma ANT D / ATT D to ANT I / ATT I or latest general diploma min. junior high school / equivalent
  4. Photocopy / scan of the sailor's book with a minimum screen period of 6 months
  5. Scan ID card
  6. Print out Internet
  7. 3 x 4 black and white photo, white shirt, plain black tie (photo taken at BMI)
  8. Proof of payment
  9. Health certificate from a hospital or other health institution that has received recognition/stipulation/appointment from a doctor who has been appointed by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation


BST Validation Requirements

  1. BST original certificate
  2. Fill in your personal data
  3. Scan / photocopy of ID card
  4. Scan / photocopy of the latest general certificate min. junior high school / equivalent
  5. Scan / photocopy of family card
  6. Scan / photocopy of birth certificate
  7. 3 x 4 black and white photo, white shirt, plain black tie (photo made by BMI)
  8. Proof of payment
  9. Health certificate from a hospital or other health institution that has received recognition/stipulation/appointment from a doctor who has been appointed by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation










Monday to  Wednesday

9 days




Wednesday to Thursday

4 days




Wednesday to Friday

4 days





For more information contact our line at:

Jl. Waribang No 21A, Kesiman Petilan, Kec Denpasar Timur - Bali
Tlp. 0361 - 8486273 / WA. 087861867373